Your New Year, New Website Checklist

Laura McFaden Uncategorized

The 2016 year is well under way, and it might be one of your goals to start a new website or give your current one a little makeover. Keeping your site active and updated is all part of a healthy website and your business. While you’re mulling over fall shades or summer, you should also consider these four major ideas in wed design/redesign.

  • Tell a story – Your site is the visual representation of your brand. What story or message is that brand telling currently? What story do you want it to tell?
  • It’s not about you – While the website should represent your story, the site itself is not about you. The design needs to flow from a user-friendly perspective, not your personal preference. I.E. The way that you want things to be organized or what makes sense to you, might not make sense to other people!
  • Create efficient, simple designs – Simple landing pages designed to minimize scrolling and user-friendly frameworks are the wave of the future. Cluttered designs take away from your story. It might mean doing without flashy plug-ins or shiny features.
  • Think Outside the web – More importantly, think mobile! You need to consider how your website will look across all platforms. Whether it’s being viewed in Firefox, Chrome, Android or iOs your site should remain simple, readable and engaging.

Are you working towards a healthier website this year? Contact Red Bison Design if you need a check-up.