Beyond First Impressions

Laura McFaden Uncategorized

Everything starts with an idea. At Red Bison Design we love making those ideas become a reality through a slick website. But there’s more to a website than the look. It’s true that first impressions matter. When a reader looks at your site, the design, logo, and front page should make the viewer feel something and get an idea of who you or your company is right away. But design should go beyond first impressions! After all, you’re looking to make repeat visitors who want to work with you, revisit your site and share that experience.

Which is why design needs to go beyond first impressions! Be sure your website includes a few of these or you might need to rethink your current setup.

  1. 1. The design had better be mobile friendly! Mobile web traffic in North America grew by 72% between May 2013 and May 2014. Globally, it jumped by 78% over the same period. Bottom line: if you are not getting serious about your business’s mobile presence, you are potentially missing up to 25% of your potential audience. Tablets and iPads have already surpassed laptop and desktop users and each year the statistics only get higher!
  2. 2. Even more, mobile sales are increasingly more popular. Just a few years ago numbers were near 30% and rising fast. If you have a shopping cart it also needs to line up with mobile users.
  3. 3. Make sure people have a way to contact you! Having a way for people to call or e-mail with questions helps you receive feedback and start a conversation with people. Just be sure to include a captcha to prevent spam bots from clogging up your e-mail and make sure to REPLY. If you have the system in place and aren’t utilizing it – it’s worthless.
  4. 4. Set up social media. Don’t make it difficult for people to share or like your business! It’s the quickest way to interact with people about your company so there should be links and ways to like right on the front page.

If your web design isn’t above and beyond first impressions now is a good time to get moving before you lose out on even more business or exposure.